No one wants to think about being involved in a car crash, but it’s important to have an understanding of what financial obligations may arise if it happens.

Medical costs are often one of the most expensive components associated with any vehicle collision, which makes figuring out who will pay them all the more important. Knowing whether you or someone else is responsible for these payments can help reduce some of the anxiety associated with filing claims and dealing with insurance companies following an incident.

In order to make sure that your rights and responsibilities as a driver are respected after an auto accident, read on and learn exactly who pays for medical bills after a crash, depending on where fault lies and what type of coverage you may have purchased ahead of time.

With this knowledge in hand, you’ll be able to make well-informed decisions regarding treatment options and payment plans should something unexpected occur while driving.

What Causes Car Accidents?

The most common cause of car accidents are human-related errors, such as distracted driving and impaired driving.

Distracted driving includes activities like texting while behind the wheel, talking on the phone, or looking away from the road for an extended period of time. Impaired driving includes operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Drivers can also suffer from fatigue that leads to poor decision making behind the wheel and ultimately results in an accident. Mechanical issues with vehicles can also lead to crashes if they aren’t properly maintained or serviced regularly.

Environmental conditions such as bad weather, low visibility and poorly designed roads can play a role in causing collisions between cars.

Who Is at Fault for a Car Accident?

In most cases, the law is pretty clear. If an accident results from someone failing to obey traffic laws—like running a red light or improper turning—the driver would be held liable. Similarly, if they were driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol then again they’d be found liable.

On the other hand, when no traffic laws are broken but one person doesn’t take due care in avoiding an accident—such as misjudging distances between cars—they may also be deemed at fault for the wreck.

What Kinds of Medical Bills Are Covered After A Car Accident?

Generally, any medical expense incurred as a result of the accident will be paid for by either your insurance company or the other driver’s. This includes doctor visits, hospital stays, medications, physical therapy and rehabilitation costs.

It’s important to remember that if you have health insurance coverage at the time of an accident, then it may cover some expenses even if someone else caused them. It’s also not uncommon for both parties’ insurers to pay for medical bills after an accident regardless of who was at fault.

When filing claims related to medical bills after an accident, it’s best to keep all documentation on hand. Keep track of receipts from doctors or hospitals and make sure you understand exactly how much each visit cost. That way you can verify that all fees were paid correctly once they’re processed through your insurer or the other party’s insurer.

TIP: After being in a car accident, take pictures of documents like police reports and copies of any paperwork sent to either party involved in the crash. Having these photos handy can make filing and tracking claims easier down the line.

What Are The Most Common Medical Bills After A Car Accident?

Here’s a quick breakdown of what to expect in terms of medical bills after a crash:

  • Emergency services. If you require emergency care or ambulance transport from the scene, these fees can add up quickly.
  • Hospitalizations and surgeries. Depending on the extent of your injuries, you may need to stay in hospital for days or weeks at a time. Surgery-related costs like anesthesia and medications can also come into play here.
  • Follow-up appointments and physical therapy. Even minor accidents often result in follow-up visits with primary care physicians, specialists, physical therapists and other healthcare providers who provide ongoing care related to any lingering effects from the accident.

The cost of all these treatments can easily run up into thousands—if not tens of thousands—of dollars. That’s why it’s essential to know who will pay for them when they occur as a result of a car accident. 

Liability Insurance Coverage Options For Car Accidents

The most common type of liability insurance is known as bodily injury liability (BIL). This kind of policy covers any damages caused by one person to another resulting from a car crash, including medical costs like hospital visits or ambulance rides. Additionally, BIL policies typically cover legal fees associated with defending yourself against claims made by others after an incident.

Property damage liability (PDL) is also important if you’re looking to protect yourself financially should you be involved in a collision. PDL provides protection for any physical property that gets damaged in an accident—whether it’s yours or someone else’s—up to the limits set out in your policy.

Liability Insurance Coverage Limits

When figuring out how much coverage you need, consider both property damage and bodily injury liability.

Property damage pays for any physical damage done to other people’s vehicles or property in an accident where you’re at fault. Bodily injury pays for medical bills incurred by individuals injured in an accident which is your fault. Your insurer will typically set minimums for each kind of coverage – so make sure to meet those requirements before getting behind the wheel.

You should also know that most states have their own laws about how much liability insurance you must carry. Always check with your local DMV before hitting the road. And don’t forget: if you purchase more than the state-mandated minimums, then any excess payments due after settling claims will come from your pocket rather than the insurer’s bank account.

No matter what level of coverage you decide upon, just keep in mind that this only applies to damages caused as a result of an accident determined to be your fault, not someone else’s negligence or recklessness.

Medical Payment Coverage Options For Car Accidents

Medical bills after a car accident can be overwhelming. This is why it’s important to understand the coverage options available for your medical expenses.

Let’s take a look at the three most common choices:

  1. Liability insurance — provides financial protection against claims from third parties if you are found to be legally responsible for their injury or property damage.
  2. Medical payments coverage — covers medical costs regardless of who is at fault in an accident and includes both hospitalization and ambulance services. It pays up to the limit specified in your policy, which may include out-of-pocket expenses like rehab or medication related to the accident.
  3. Health insurance — covers any remaining costs not covered by liability insurance or medical payments coverage up to your policy limits.

How Can I Make A Claim For Medical Bills After A Car Accident?

It’s essential to contact your insurance provider as soon as possible and start filing a personal injury protection (PIP) or no-fault claim, if applicable. You’ll need information about the other driver involved in the crash, too. Gather their contact info, policy numbers, vehicle license plate number and anything else that could help your case.

Next, you should create detailed records of all medical expenses associated with the accident including ambulance fees, hospital stays and doctor visits. Keep track of any physical therapy or medication needed as well. This will not only allow you to accurately document costs for reimbursement but also demonstrate the severity of your injuries in court should it come to that.

Here is a list of items which may be useful when creating this documentation:

  • Medical reports from doctors
  • Receipts from pharmacies and hospitals
  • Copies of check stubs representing money spent on treatments
  • Photographs documenting pre-accident activities versus post-injury activity levels
  • Documentation regarding missed workdays due to recovery time

Finally, once you’ve gathered all necessary documents related to claims and expenses incurred during treatment following an accident, submit them along with proof of insurance coverage details and assessment forms completed by healthcare professionals such as occupational therapists or physiotherapists who have examined you throughout your recovery period. By doing so, you can ensure that your finances are taken care of while getting back on your feet physically and emotionally. From here we can move onto exploring what legal rights you possess when making a claim for medical bills after an accident – let’s jump right into that now!

What Legal Rights Do I Have When Making A Claim For Medical Bills After A Car Accident?

The law sets certain limits on how much compensation you can get from any given party after an accident. This means that if the at-fault driver doesn’t carry enough insurance to cover all of your costs, then you may have to look elsewhere for payment.

There is also another legal right that comes into play when seeking reimbursement: the concept of comparative negligence. This idea states that if both parties were partially responsible for an accident, then each will be held liable for their respective amount of fault in causing it—and thus be responsible for covering the costs associated with it.

For example, if one driver was found to be 70% at fault while the other was 30%, then they would both need to contribute financially towards paying for your medical bills accordingly.

It’s essential to remember though that even if you’re able to make a claim against someone else for your accident-related expenses, there are still limitations as to what type of damages you can seek. Generally speaking, this only applies to tangible losses such as property damage or medical bills. Intangible items like pain and suffering usually aren’t taken into consideration here.

When to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, the last thing you want to worry about is who will be responsible for paying your medical bills. The answer to this question can depend on several factors, so it’s important to know what steps you should take after an accident.

One of those steps may include hiring a personal injury lawyer if you need to make a claim for medical bills. A lawyer can advise you on how best to proceed with filing claims against potentially liable drivers or their insurers and handle negotiations with them as needed. They can also review all available options and ensure that all deadlines are met so that you get maximum recovery for your losses.

Contact our team at today to determine how much your claim is worth.