Have you been in a car accident recently? If so, you may be at risk of developing internal bleeding. Internal bleeding can occur after any type of trauma to the body, including a car accident. This type of injury is serious and can require medical attention, but what are the symptoms of internal bleeding after a car accident, and what do you need to watch out for?


Knowing these symptoms is important so that if you experience them after a car accident, you can take action quickly and get the help – and compensation – you need. 


What Is Internal Bleeding?


Internal bleeding is a medical emergency caused by trauma to the body, such as a car accident. It occurs when blood vessels are damaged due to blunt force trauma or a penetrating wound. This can cause blood to leak out of the vessels and into the surrounding tissue, resulting in serious health complications.


Causes Of Internal Bleeding After A Car Accident


Common causes of internal bleeding after an accident include broken or fractured bones, damage to organs, or tears in arteries or veins. In some cases, blunt force trauma – such as hitting the steering wheel – can result in an internal bleed. It’s important to note that these causes may vary depending on the severity of the crash and other factors.


Signs And Symptoms Of Internal Bleeding


Signs and symptoms of internal bleeding from injuries after a car accident can vary depending on the severity of the injury. Common signs that someone may be experiencing internal bleeding include:


  • Abdominal pain or tenderness
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Fainting
  • Paleness
  • Weak pulse rate
  • Anemia (low red blood cell count)


These symptoms will often be accompanied by swelling or bruising in the area where the injury occurred. If the person experiences any of these symptoms following a car accident, they should seek medical attention immediately.

How is Internal Bleeding Diagnosed?


It’s important to note that some types of internal bleeding can be difficult to detect without specialized tests or imaging equipment. For example, if there is internal bleeding in the abdomen or chest cavity, it may not be visible externally. In such cases, a doctor may order blood tests or x-rays to determine if there is any hidden bleeding present.


These tests are necessary to identify the extent of the internal damage and help determine the best course of treatment for the patient. With proper diagnosis and medical treatment, many people suffering from internal bleeding after a car accident recover fully. 


Treatment Options For Internal Bleeding After A Car Accident


Treatment for internal bleeding after a car accident will depend on the severity of the injury and other factors. Generally, it includes both medical and surgical interventions.


Depending on the situation, here are five possible treatments for internal bleeding:


  1. Surgery: This can involve draining blood from the affected area or repairing damaged tissue.
  2. Blood transfusions: These are used to replace lost blood.
  3. Medications: These can help reduce inflammation and clotting.
  4. Dialysis: This is used to filter waste products from your bloodstream if kidney damage has occurred.
  5. Follow-up care: This may include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and other treatments to help with recovery and rehabilitation.


Talking to your doctor about the best treatment plan for you is important. They’ll be able to assess your condition and determine which options are most appropriate in your case. Your doctor will also guide you on managing any potential complications during recovery.


The Bottom Line


Internal bleeding after a car accident can be a serious medical emergency. You must seek medical attention immediately if you experience any signs and symptoms. The longer the internal bleeding goes untreated, the more severe and life-threatening it can become.


If you or someone you know has been in a car accident, be aware of potential internal injuries, such as internal bleeding. Pay close attention to any signs or symptoms that could indicate an injury and immediately seek medical attention. With prompt diagnosis and treatment, internal bleeding after a car accident can often be managed successfully.


Need help navigating the complex road to recovery and compensation after your car accident? Contact us at Injury.io and we’ll get you connected to the resources you need.