Mental health is essential to our overall well-being, but what happens if a personal injury disrupts it? Many people don’t realize that physical injuries and trauma can impact their mental health. So the question arises: Is treatment from a mental health therapist covered in a personal injury case?

The answer is complex and depends on multiple factors. In this article, we will explore whether mental health services are covered in a personal injury case and how you can get help with your claim.

At first glance, legal matters surrounding mental health therapy following a personal injury seem complicated. But with some knowledge about how the system works, you can ensure you get all your rightful compensation. Read on to get an overview of what you need to know!

What Are Mental Health Services?

Mental health services are treatments provided by mental health therapists such as psychiatrists, psychologists, and clinical social workers. These professionals provide specialized care for individuals struggling with emotional or psychological issues due to various factors.

Mental health therapy can take various forms depending on the individual’s needs, from regular one-on-one sessions with a therapist to group counseling and medication management.

Treatment may be necessary in some personal injury cases when an individual has suffered physical or psychological harm due to someone else’s negligence. The question then becomes whether this kind of treatment will be covered under the terms of any settlement resulting from a personal injury case.

What Mental Health Conditions Benefit From Therapy After a Personal Injury?

Mental health conditions are often overlooked after a personal injury. However, these conditions can be just as debilitating as physical injuries. 

Fortunately, therapy can be an effective way to treat mental health conditions that are caused or exacerbated by a personal injury. 

Here are a few mental health conditions that may benefit from therapy after a personal injury: 

  1. Anxiety disorders
  2. Panic disorders
  3. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  4. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  5. Depression
  6. Phobias
  7. Substance abuse disorders
  8. Grief and loss

Overall, therapy can be a helpful tool if you’re suffering from mental health conditions caused or exacerbated by a personal injury. It can help you better manage symptoms, improve relationships, and better understand your situation. If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health condition after a personal injury, consider seeking professional help.

How Does Insurance Impact Treatment Coverage for a Personal Injury Case?

The question of how insurance impacts treatment coverage in personal injury cases is essential. Depending on the type and scope of your or the at-fault party’s insurance policy, you may be able to receive financial assistance for mental health therapy as part of your injury case. This could cover expenses like copays, deductibles associated with therapist visits, or even full coverage if the policy allows it. It’s also possible that some therapies might not be covered under specific guidelines, so it’s worth looking into before making any treatment decisions.

Determining what treatments are covered by insurance can make a big difference when dealing with a personal injury case. Taking the time to review your policy will ensure you have access to all relevant resources should you need them during this process. Knowing what’s available ahead of time can help you focus on getting better without having to worry about finances along the way.

Are Mental Health Services Covered in Personal Injury Cases?

Mental health services are increasingly recognized as essential to personal injury cases. While the law varies from state to state, personal injury settlements are becoming more common to include compensation for mental health services.

In cases where the defendant’s negligence caused physical or mental injuries, courts may award damages for mental health services. This may include therapy, counseling, or other forms of mental health treatment. In some cases, it may also include reimbursement for costs associated with mental health care, such as medications or travel expenses.

It is important to note that the amount of compensation for mental health services is not always the same as that for physical injuries. Mental health damages are often based on the injury’s severity, the treatment duration, and the impact the injury has had on the victim’s life.

Additionally, it is essential to remember that personal injury settlements cover not all mental health services. Some services, such as inpatient treatment, may not be included. Therefore, discussing the specifics of your case with an experienced personal injury attorney is essential to ensure that all of your mental health needs are considered.

How to Prove Emotional Distress in a Personal Injury Case

Proving emotional distress or pain and suffering in a personal injury case can be challenging, as it is a subjective experience, and there is no single, definitive way to prove it. 

However, certain elements can help to substantiate a claim for emotional distress.

Here are a few things you can do to back your claim: 

  • Detail your physical and emotional symptoms (headaches, insomnia, depression, and anxiety)
  • Get testimony from family and friends as to how the injury has impacted your life
  • Gather medical records for evidence as to the severity of the emotional distress
  • Hire an experienced personal injury attorney to present evidence effectively in court. They can help build a strong case for emotional distress by gathering evidence and preparing a compelling argument that will prove severe emotional distress resulting from the injury

How to Claim Damages for Mental Health Services in a Personal Injury Case

Here are a few steps to successfully file a personal injury claim for mental health expenses. 

  1. Gather documentation: Collect all your medical records, bills, and other documents that show you received mental health services following your injury. This could include doctor’s notes, treatment plans, and receipts.
  2. Calculate total damages: Calculate the amount you have paid for mental health services related to your injury. This should include any copays and out-of-pocket expenses as well.
  3. Contact an attorney: Hire an experienced personal injury attorney to help you with your case. They can help you understand the legal requirements and negotiate with the insurance company.
  4. File a claim: Once you have gathered all the necessary documentation, contact the insurance company and file a claim for the damages related to mental health services.
  5. Negotiate: Your attorney can help you negotiate with the insurance company to get the best possible settlement for your claim.
  6. Finalize settlement: After the insurance company has agreed to a settlement, sign any documents to finalize the payment and receive your damages.

If your injuries require chiropractic care, you are entitled to compensation for those damages. 

Get what’s rightfully yours—contact our team at today.