When you are involved in a personal injury lawsuit, you may receive a set of interrogatories from the opposing party. 

Interrogatories are a set of written questions that must be answered under oath. These questions gather information about your case and help the other party prepare for trial. Answering interrogatories is complex but an important part of the legal process. 

To help you avoid mistakes and missteps in the process, this article offers steps you can take to answer interrogatories in a personal injury lawsuit.

Understanding Interrogatories

Interrogatories are formal requests for information that must be answered truthfully and completely. 

The questions are typically written by the opposing party’s attorney and are designed to gather information about your case. 

Interrogatories can cover a broad range of topics, such as your medical history, the circumstances of the accident, and your financial situation. It is important to understand that your answers to interrogatories are given under oath and can be used against you.

The Three Most Important Interrogatories to Get Right

When answering interrogatories in a personal injury lawsuit, there are several important questions to get right. However, three interrogatories stand out as particularly crucial. 

List All Witnesses With Knowledge of the Facts in Your Case

The first important interrogatory is to list all witnesses with knowledge of the facts in your case. This includes anyone who saw the accident or has information about the events leading up to the accident. It is important to be thorough in your response to this interrogatory, as witnesses can play a key role in the outcome of your case. Ensure to include their names, contact information, and a brief description of what they witnessed.

Criminal History

The second important interrogatory is to disclose any criminal history you may have. This can include any prior convictions, arrests, or pending criminal charges. It is important to be truthful in your response to this interrogatory, as the opposing party may be able to use this information against you in court.

List All Prior Injuries You Have Had Before This Accident

The third important interrogatory is to list all prior injuries you have had before the accident. This includes any injuries you may have sustained in prior accidents or incidents. It is important to be thorough in your response to this interrogatory, as the opposing party may use your prior injuries to argue that your current injuries are unrelated to the accident in question.

By getting these three interrogatories right, you can help to build a strong case and increase your chances of a favorable outcome. It is important to take the time to carefully review each interrogatory and provide complete and accurate responses.

Responding to Interrogatories in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Like most of the personal injury process, responding to interrogatories isn’t always straightforward. Still, there are a few steps you can take to protect yourself and your right to compensation.

Review the Interrogatories Carefully

When you receive a set of interrogatories, it is important to review them carefully. Ensure you understand each question and the information the opposing party seeks. Take your time, and do not rush through the process. If you are unsure about a question, consult with your attorney.

Organize Your Response

It is important to organize your response to the interrogatories. This can help you stay focused and provide complete and accurate answers. Consider creating a document that includes each question and your response. You may also want to organize your response by topic or category.

Be Honest and Complete

When answering interrogatories, it is important to be honest and complete. Do not withhold information or provide misleading answers. Remember that your answers are given under oath and can be used against you in court.

Provide Supporting Documentation

In some cases, providing supporting documentation with your response to interrogatories may be necessary. This can include medical records, police reports, and financial documents. Make sure you provide complete and accurate copies of these documents.

Meet Deadlines

Interrogatories typically have a deadline for response. Make sure you meet this deadline to avoid sanctions or other legal consequences.

What if I Object to Some of the Interrogatories?

If you object to some of the interrogatories in a personal injury lawsuit, it is important to consult with your attorney and state your objections clearly in your response.

You must still respond to the un objectionable interrogatories and meet the deadline for response to avoid any legal consequences.

In your response, you should explain the grounds for your objection and provide any legal authority that supports your position. It is important to seek legal assistance if you have questions about how to object to interrogatories or the legal process.

Are Answers to Interrogatories Admissible at Trial?

Answers to interrogatories are admissible at trial and can be used as evidence to support or challenge a party’s claims. This is because interrogatories are a formal part of the discovery process, designed to help parties gather information about a case before trial.

If you provide false or incomplete answers to interrogatories, this can have serious consequences for your case. Your credibility may be questioned, and the opposing party may use your answers to challenge your claims.

It is important to take the time to review and respond to interrogatories carefully and honestly. 

The Importance of Getting Legal Assistance

Legal assistance is crucial when dealing with interrogatories in a personal injury lawsuit. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you navigate the legal process and ensure that your rights are protected.

An attorney can help you review the interrogatories, understand the legal implications of your answers, and ensure that your responses are complete and accurate. They can also help you object to interrogatories that are not valid and provide legal authority to support your objections.

Additionally, an attorney can help you prepare for trial by gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and negotiating with the opposing party. They can also represent you in court and present your case in a compelling and persuasive manner.

Without legal assistance, you may be at a disadvantage when dealing with interrogatories and the legal process in general. You may make mistakes or provide incomplete or inaccurate answers that can hurt your case. You may also miss important deadlines or fail to object to interrogatories that are not valid.

Do you need help handling interrogatories in your personal injury lawsuit? Call Injury.io now.


Justice McDaniel is an experienced copywriter and blogger. She has over three years of experience providing outstanding legal content that ranks.