Do you suspect that your insurance company is not acting in good faith when it comes to your injury claim? If so, you are not alone. Many people find themselves at a loss when the claims process does not go as expected, and their insurer denies or undervalues their claim. Unfortunately, bad faith insurance practices can be difficult to detect, but knowing what signs to look for can help. In this article, we’ll discuss five of the most common signs of bad faith insurance practices in injury claims.

If you believe you’re a victim of a bad-faith insurance claim, the team at can help. Call us today to get started on your case.

1. Unreasonable Delay Tactics

One of the most common signs of bad faith insurance practices in injury claims is unreasonable delay tactics. This means that the insurer deliberately prolongs the process to avoid paying out a valid claim or reducing its value. For example, they may draw out investigations and paperwork for months on end despite having access to all necessary information. Such behavior prevents you from getting compensation quickly and efficiently, leaving you frustrated and financially struggling after the accident.

Insurers often use this tactic to make it harder for people to file legitimate claims without being denied coverage or receiving only partial payment. They also try to wear you down so that you will accept less than what you are entitled to receive under their insurance policy. In addition, delays can create an impression that something is wrong with your case, which causes you emotional distress and mental anguish.

2. Refusal To Negotiate

Refusal to negotiate involves the insurer taking an inflexible stance and refusing to work with the injured party for a fair settlement. In some cases, insurers may refuse to discuss a claim at all. It’s important to note that refusal to negotiate can take many forms: from simply not responding or offering token settlements to making demands that are wholly unreasonable or impossible.

Unfortunately, this kind of behavior by the insurer often leaves claimants feeling helpless and frustrated. They know they have a valid claim yet feel like their efforts are being ignored or disregarded altogether. To make matters worse, it often takes considerable time and effort on behalf of the claimant just to get any response from the insurer regarding their case.

3. Dismissal Of Valid Claims

The third sign of bad faith insurance practices in injury claims is the dismissal of valid claims. This can take many forms, ranging from ignoring evidence to outright denying the claim due to an obscure clause in a policy. In any case, it leaves you feeling powerless and frustrated that your legitimate medical expenses will not be covered by your insurer. Here are three ways insurers may dismiss a valid claim:

  1. Ignoring or overlooking relevant information – Insurers may choose to ignore evidence that supports the claimant’s position, such as medical records or police reports.
  2. Denial based on unclear language – When policies contain vague terms that lack clear definitions, insurers often use this ambiguity to deny claims they would otherwise have paid out.
  3. Delaying tactics – Some insurers delay processing claims while hoping that claimants run out of time or money before they can pursue legal action.

These types of manipulative tactics can leave injured parties with no recourse for recovering damages due to them. By taking advantage of loopholes in contracts and exploiting technicalities, insurers show blatant disregard for justice and fairness towards those who need assistance after an accident.

4. Low Settlement Offers

Low settlement offers are a common sign of bad-faith insurance practices in injury claims. Insurance companies may take advantage of an injured party’s need for quick relief and offer them a much lower amount than what they deserve.

Here are three important things to know when dealing with low settlement offers:

  • You should never accept the first offer without consulting legal advice or negotiation.
  • Know your rights under the applicable state laws regarding settlements and coverage amounts.
  • Be aware that some insurance companies use this tactic as a means to make more money by saving on payouts.

5. Unjust Denials Of Coverage

Unjust denials are when an insurance company denies a claim even though it should have been covered under their policy. You need to be aware that this can happen, as sometimes insurers will try and deny legitimate claims in order to save money on payouts.

To protect yourself from unjust denials of coverage, you should make sure you thoroughly review your policies and read up on any applicable laws before filing a claim. You should also keep detailed records throughout the process and document any conversations or communications with your insurer. By taking these steps beforehand, you can ensure that you don’t get unfairly denied due to a misunderstanding or miscommunication between you and your provider.

Contact Today

Bad faith insurance practices not only make it difficult for injured people to get the compensation they deserve but can also be emotionally and financially devastating. If you encounter any of these issues during the course of your claim processing, seek legal advice from a qualified attorney who specializes in insurance law. With their help and guidance, you’ll have a better chance at getting the fair outcome that’s rightfully yours.

If you need help finding a lawyer to take on your case, contact today. Call now to book a free case review.

Emily Wilson is a writer who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English studies from Ball State University in 2021. Since graduating, Emily has started her career in content writing, and she hopes to continue helping her audience learn and grow from her works.